Oppo India has unveiled the Gilded Limited Edition Oppo R5 which sports a gold frame. There are only 10,000 of these units available on a global scale, hence the “limited” tag. “This phone has been developed with the end user in mind. We used cutting edge manufacturing techniques to create a phone that fits perfectly into the users’ hands, and that feels incredible. The gold frame has been forged nine times and then finished by hand to give a perfect sheen and feel. It has a quality that is not available anywhere else in the industry. The R5, like the rest of the R series delivers a truly stylish, exquisite and distinctive design and will continue to delight our customers with its innovative yet practical functions,” said Tom Lu, CEO of Oppo India.
The specifications of this handset are unchanged compared to the regular variant. We’re looking at a 5.2-inch 1080p (1920 x 1080) AMOLED display here, 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage. This device is powered by Qualcomm’s 64-bit Snapdragon 615 octa-core processor which ships with an Adreno 405 GPU for graphics. Android 4.4 KitKat comes pre-installed here with Oppo’s Color OS 2.0 on top of Google’s operating system. 13-megapixel snapper is located on the back of this device (Sony’s IMX214 sensor, Schneider lens) and is flanked by an LED flash, while there’s a 5-megapixel snapper available up front. As far as connectivity goes, this device offers both 3G and 4G connectivity, along with Wi-Fi b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS and NFC. 2,000mAh battery comes with this device as well, and it takes advantage of Oppo’s VOOC Rapid Charge technology.
This device is priced at Rs. 29,990 ($483) in India, and will be available across India starting from 20th February, you’ll have to pre-register for the device before you buy it though.
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